In today's world, getting product support can be a challenging endeavor. Even after you've navigated through a company's website morass to find a contact channel, the prospect of getting a human response can seem like an almost impossible task. At Reserve, our goal is to make support easy on the customer. That is a task which starts with having the right people on the other end of the line. That's why we've hired individuals like Reserve Rider Support rep Chris Freeny.
Some small number of fortunate people have an innate knack for rubbing everyone they cross paths with the right way. Chris is one such person. He's forever got a joke or the perfect conversational non-sequitur to keep things light. Chris is also a straight shooter, a no bullshit kinda guy, which makes him the perfect person for our rider support team. We spoke with Chris about his life in and outside of work, a conversation to which he brought his signature wit and singular talent of getting at the heart of the matter at hand. Read more below.
Q: Tell us about yourself, where were you born?
A: I’m from a little town called Seattle in a state north of here called “Washington” (Pronounced; WORE-SHEENG-TON), you may have heard of it.
Tell us something cool about your hometown.
It’s the largest Island in Washington State and was home to famed NFL player and Actor, Carl Weathers, a.k.a. Chubbs Peterson from “Happy Gilmore”, RIP!
Do you have a nickname? If you do, how’d you get it? If not, make one up that suits your character.
Where to start… Freeny is the go-to. Then there are the hybrids; Freeny Beanie, Freen Beans, Beans, Freenis Beanis, it goes on.

What brought you to the bike industry?
Craigslist FTW. I got tired of working at Grocery stores, had been doing so for 6-ish years. Saw an ad for a Bike Manufacturer on CL and decided to follow a passion of mine, which at the time was commuting to work by bicycle. That evolved into a love and passion for MTB.
Garage check: what bike are you riding, what wheels, who built them?
I’ve got 4 bikes, 1 All City “Macho Man” commuter, 1 V7 Alloy Chameleon for DJ, 1 V5 CC Bronson, and a V3 CC Stigmata
I’ve got a set of MX 30HD, 700c 25GR, and RSV 27 29” - all built by our lovely Reserve Wheel Team!
What kind of riding do you typically do? Mountain, Gravel or Road?
I’m a mountain biker through and through. I have been known to dip my little toesies into gravel and very rarely, road riding.
What is your favorite trail or favorite place to ride?
OOF. I’m afraid I cannot disclose that information at this time. Please contact your LBS or trail group for more information.
What’s your favorite thing about working for Rider Support?
Honestly, stoking folks out with our legendary support and service. Coming from years of customer service experience (Grocery stores) there is something special about the way Reserve allows our team to go above and beyond, something RARELY if ever seen in today's world.

Any cool stories from working in Rider Support you’d like to share?
Not to brag, or even include myself at this level, but our Team arguably has some of the fastest and steeziest riders in the company. We’re not just a bunch of keyboard warriors, but riders ourselves!
Do you use a headset, hold the phone in your hand, or rest it on your shoulder when you’re on the phone with a customer?
Bluetooth headphones FTW.
What’s your go-to email signature? Are you a “Sincerely”, “Hugs and Kisses” or “Respectfully Yours” kind of person?
Depends on who I’m dealing with. Sometimes, “Regretfully” is appropriate, other times “Reluctantly” and on occasion “Dreadfully” - JK. In all seriousness, it’s a classic “Cheers”
What occupies your time when you’re not helping riders and shops get the most out of their Reserves?
I’m either spending time with my lovely GF and our little huahua “Yoshi” or I’m out in the middle of nowhere riding my bike/building trails with our in-house “Factory” Racing Team or my friends.
Rapid Fire
Beer, wine, cocktail or seltzer?
Yes, please!
SRAM or Shimano?
SRAM for MTB, Shimano for RD/Gravel
Carbon or Aluminum Reserves?
Coffee, Tea or Red Bull?
Coffee in the AM, Redbull if I’m desperate.
Almond, Oat or Cow milk?
Linoleum or Carpet?
Thick or thin grips?
RockShox or Fox?
Seinfeld, Friends or Rick & Morty?
Metalocalypse (IYKYK)
I9 or DT Swiss?
DT Swiss
Puppies or kittens?
Puppies all day, every day
Describe your perfect day.
Time has stopped, it’s Saturday, the sun is out, and a gentle breeze kisses the day. I’ve just gotten back from the best MTB ride of my life, my dog and GF greet me with glee, and we go get Bahn Mi sando’s and take it all in. Rinse ‘n’ Repeat, with minor deviations!
What is your special power?
I can eat a whole super burrito in under 5 minutes. [We've witnessed this, it's amazing]